
He(Albert) ZHANG
Research Assistant
Interest field - HCI / Behavioral and affective analysis / Cross-disciplinary research
Hi, My name is He Zhang (张鹤/zhāng hè/ in Chinese), or Albert. I am a second year PhD student in Informatics at the College of Information Science and Technology, Penn State University, advised by Dr. John M. Carroll. I am a student member of the Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence (CSRAI). I was a full-time research assistant in an interdisciplinary human-computer interaction lab (The Future Lab) at Tsinghua University. I owned Bachelor of Science degree with double-major in Computer Science and Data Science, issued by Massey University, New Zealand, and Master of Science degree, issued by Auckland University of Technology.
I have enjoyed working with a very talented group of people on some of my research. You can visit my current research and past projects, and feel free to contact me if you have any good ideas for future research. I always look forward to multifaceted collaboration opportunities.
- Two full papers have been accepted to CHI 2024 (Jan 2024)
- Our full paper has been accepted to IEEE VR 2024 (Dec 2023)
- Our short paper has been accepted to iConference 2024 (Nov 2023)
- Three papers were accepted to Chinese CHI 2023 (1 full paper and 2 LBWs). (Oct 2023)
- One grant application has been selected as an awardee (June 2023)
- A new journal paper is published (June 2023)
- I passed Qualifying Exam! (May 2023)
Lastest Publications
I hope that with my further personal learning I can give a greater contribution to the community in the future.
Research Timeline
2022 - I am a Ph.D. student at Penn State University, majoring in informatics with the research focus on human-computer interaction, under the advice of Dr. John M. Carroll.
2021 - I started working at the Future Lab, Tsinghua University as an internship. Later in the same year, I graduated from Auckland University of Technology - Master of Science Degree with First Class Honors
, and was awarded a research scholarship from Coallaghan Innovation. Thanks Nate! Then, I started working in the Future Lab as a research assistant with main research fields on Human-computer interaction, Smart home IoT, and aesthetic computing supervised by Dr. Ying-Qing Xu, Dr. Xinyi Fu and Dr. Qianyao Xu.
2020 - I worked with the HKUST-DT Systems and Media Laboratory (SyMLab) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and focused primarily on public opinion issues in social media and government collaboration during pandemics. Dr. Pan Hui advises my research. Later in the same year, I started my Master of Science degree at Auckland University of Technology. My advisor was Dr. Nuttanan Wichitaksorn, and my research includes data analysis and deep learning, and the specific topic is "Predicting Early Repayment of Loans using Specific Behavioural Features".
2016 - 2019 - As an undergraduate, I was a course advocate at Massey University (2018) and volunteer in the Albany Students' Association (2016). Since 2017, I have registered as a volunteer for TEDxAuckland to become more involved in charity work as well as to start focusing on social issues. I graduated from Massey University - Bachelor of Science Degree with double majors in Computer Science and Data Science in 2019. Many thanks to my lecturers and supervisors, especially Dr. Martin Johnson and Dr. Teo Susnjak.

Contact info. of He(Albert) ZHANG
Email_personal: albert[dot]zhanghe[at]foxmail[dot]com Email_work: hpz5211[at]psu[dot]edu Notes: please replace [dot] to character "." ,and replace [at] to character "@" in email address.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/he-albert-zhang-6024a215b/
Github: https://github.com/KindOPSTAR
The most important thing is to enjoy life.